Program Highlights

TITLE : Inaugural Ceremony of Global Innopolis Network Initiative and Global Innopolis Forum
DATE : 2024. 9. 3.(Tue) ~ 4.(Wed)
LOCATION : DCC (Daejeon Convention Center)
KEY-FEATURES : The Inaugural Ceremony and Leaders Assambly,
Global Innopolis Forum and Global Tech-Biz Day
Participating City : Daejeon, Malaga, Montgomery County(MD), Hsinchu, Seattle, Dortmund

Global Innopolis Forum
  • Purpose: To identify strategies for the advancement of the Global Innopolis Network Initiative
  • Theme: The role of global inter-city platform in fostering science and technology-driven urban innovation and regional economic growth, along with best implementation practices around the Globe
  • Schedule: September 3, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:10 AM – 12:30 PM
  • Location: Grand Ballroom, DCC1
  • Participants: Delegations from global cities and regions, speakers, and representatives of embassies in Korea, research institutes in the field of science & technology, universities, public institutions, companies, university students and general public.
  • Key Features: topic presentations, and panel discussion with city representatives and speakers

The Inaugural Ceremony of Global Innopolis Network Initiative
  • Purpose: To officially declare the establishment of the Global Innopolis Network Initiative
  • Schedule: September 4, 2024 (Wednesday) 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Location: Boardroom 203-204, DCC1
  • Participants: Mayors (or designated delegates) and representatives of participating cities
  • Key Agendas: To pronounce the launch of the Global Innopolis Network Initiative and announce the way forward

Leaders Assambly
  • Purpose: To reach an agreement to adopting the Joint Declaration and Charter
  • Schedule: September 4, 2024 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Boardroom 203-204, DCC1
  • Participants: Mayors (or designated delegates) and representatives of participating cities
  • Key Agendas: Presentation of operational framework of the Global Innopolis Network Initiative, and roundtable discussion under the chairmanship of the mayor of Daejeon
  • Program Details (*Tentative)
  • Roundtable Meeting: During the Roundtable Meeting, the invited mayors and city representatives will engage in discussions and deliberations regarding the adoption of the charter of the operational framework of the Global Innopolis Network Initiative. This will encompass topics such as membership criteria, organizational structure, and the organization of a secretariat
  • Adoption of Joint Declaration and Charter: Once a consensus is reached at the roundtable meeting, the Joint Declaration and Charter will be formally adopted. The Joint Declaration signing ceremony will follow

Global Tech-Biz Day
  • Purpose: To establish a global collaboration network that will strengthen the technological competitiveness of member cities and provide support for both domestic and international innovative start-ups in their endeavors to expand globally
  • Organizer: Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology for Enterprise and People(DiSTEP), Woosong University(WSU), Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency(KISTA), Chungnam National University(CNU), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST),
  • Schedule: September 3, 2024 (Tuesday) 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Location: Conference Rooms 101-108, DCC1
  • Participants: Startups, Venture Companies, Investment institutions, Startup support organizations, and industry-academia-research institutions
  • Program: Global Go-to-Market Seminar, Kaist Global Tech&HR Meet-up, Technology Transfer&Consultation Session, Smart City Forum and Global Lab Startup-Entrepreneurship Forum